Reasons why you should consume dairy products?

 Dairy foods are made from or include the milk of mammals such as cows, sheep, goats, or buffaloes.


Milk-containing foods such as regular and lactose-free milk, yogurt, cheese, and kefir, as well as milk-containing products such as ice cream, butter, ghee, cream, sour cream, cream cheese, whey products, and casein, are included in this category.


Dairy products are manufactured using various techniques and processing methods that help to improve their desired qualities.


Liquid milk, for example, can be processed into semi-skimmed, skimmed, evaporated, or powdered milk, in which fat or water is partially or completely removed to produce lower fat, condensed, or dried milk.


Milk and dairy products are nutrient-dense foods. As a result, certain health authorities, such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), recommend consuming dairy products daily. Here are the health benefits of consuming dairy products.

Improvement in bone health.


Calcium is the main mineral in your bones, and dairy is the best calcium source in the human diet. As a result, dairy has numerous advantages for bone health.


Health experts recommend that you drink 2-3 servings of dairy daily to ensure that you get adequate calcium for your bones. Dairy enhances bone density, lowers the risk of developing osteoporosis, and minimizes the risk of fractures in older persons.


According to research, calcium is not the only nutrient responsible for dairy's impacts on bone health. Dairy also contains protein and phosphorus, essential for achieving peak bone development during skeletal growth and preventing bone loss as you age.

Dairy and heart disease

Current dietary guidelines recommend low-fat dairy products to decrease saturated fat intake and lower the risk of heart disease.


Recent information reveals that saturated fat from dairy may not be as bad for your heart as saturated fat from meat. This is because the fatty acid compositions of dairy and beef differ.


In contrast to meat, which contains long-chain fatty acids, dairy contains more short- and medium-chain fatty acids. Short- and medium-chain fatty acids have varied effects on heart function and may provide some benefits.


Probiotics, beneficial microorganisms that offer health advantages, are found in fermented foods such as yogurt and kefir. According to research, their consumption is connected with lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and a lower risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Reduces the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.


Dairy products have been associated with a variety of effects on body weight.


Dairy products may enhance body composition by reducing fat and waist circumference and increasing lean body mass, particularly when combined with a low-calorie diet.


A study discovered that different types of yogurt, including conventional, low fat, high fat, and Greek, were associated with avoiding metabolic syndrome risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar and triglyceride levels.


Some evidence also suggests that certain dairy products may lower your risk of diabetes. 


According to research, yogurt may reduce your risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes, but the relationship between other dairy products and diabetes risk is inconsistent.


One possible explanation for yogurt's effect on diabetes risk is its nutrient composition. 


Calcium and magnesium, for example, have been related to a lower prevalence of insulin resistance. Still, whey protein has blood-sugar-lowering qualities due to its favorable effect on insulin synthesis.


Furthermore, probiotics in yogurt help manage blood sugar levels through methods that include various organs and systems, ranging from your brain to your immune system and gut.


Blood Pressure


Those who consume the most low-fat dairy (mainly skim and reduced-fat milk) are 54% less likely to develop high blood pressure than those with the least intake of low-fat dairy.


Calcium has previously been suspected of affecting blood pressure. However, the Spanish researchers discovered that only calcium from low-fat dairy products was related to a lower risk of high blood pressure. The researchers hypothesized that this could be due to the proteins found in low-fat dairy (caseins and whey), which may operate similarly to blood pressure-lowering medicines.



The health benefits of consuming dairy products are vast. If you are not consuming enough dairy products, then you may be missing out on some important nutrients. So start taking the fresh dairy products on daily basis.
